Hey, I’m Zuzia Wachowicz. I was born on November 26, 2015. My weight, height and appearance indicated that I was one of the healthiest babies in the unit.
Unfortunately… I was born with only half a heart. I have HLHS. My parents knew this from the 22nd week of pregnancy. The joy they feel when looking at me is somewhere deeply suppressed by how much they worry about me.
Fortunately, all 3 surgeries that were scheduled for me are now behind me. I underwent the last one in July 2018 in Munster. At the moment everything is fine however, it doesn’t always have to be this way. Nevertheless, my parents and I are holding on to the thought that the worst is behind us and it will only get better !!!
We are currently raising funds for medication and rehabilitation so that Zuzanna can receive the best possible care.

Want to donate in PLN? Check the official link here.